Full day workshop
Our team focuses on these 6 key areas to support organisations to empower their people around well-being and self-leadership
Intros, greetings & story sharing.
Elle & Sorcha will take you through who they are, their own mental wellbeing journeys, recovery and personal growth and why the personal is often universal. Our view on mental health and the hidden pandemic.
Re-defining wellbeing and self-leadership.
What do these buzzwords mean to us as individuals, as a team and as a company and why you should care. We will introduce you to the formula that will show you how to realise the power you have to create change and an upward spiral within yourself, your health and your life immediately.
The Six Levels of Leadership.
From the escapist, through egoic all the way to engaged and empowered, looking at where you are on the leadership path in all the aspects of your life, wellbeing and work will provide you with a framework to make subtle but significant shifts in your life and leadership
Functional breathing.
The evidence based, cutting edge science on how three simple changes can optimise your health, vitality, longevity, concentration and focus. Sorcha is one of a handful of Oxygen Advantage Instructors and one of only two Soma Breath Master Instructors here in New Zealand. She shares the power and science of breath in an easy to understand and approachable way so that you can start to apply this foundational tool right away for immediate, sustained and measurable results.
An introduction to the nervous system.
What’s actually going on behind our mental health - An introduction to the nervous system - the key to understanding reactivity, stress and true resilience. This part of the program is one of the unique aspects of our work and radically flips the existing and disempowering mental health narrative on its head so we can actually understand why mindset work or talk therapy alone are ineffective and short term fixes.
Reclaiming your power of wellbeing and self leadership
This segment will (re)introduce the concept of Radical Responsibility and support you to create a plan to lead and live from the context of empowerment, interpersonal connection and reciprocity, supporting you to change your life and others for the better, for good.
Contact us.
18 Brougham street, New Plymouth, 4310